#39-224 Eden Series: Conscious Conception

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Use #39-224, Conscious Conception, to actively support DNA upgrades. As we heal our ancestral lineage through accessing our "junk genes," we have the opportunity to energetically reframe our biological conception.

This Essence is included in our Inner Child Healing (male or female) and Core Wound Healing collection of Sourced Solutions. Activates Gene Key 22/4

Use #39-224, Conscious Conception, to actively support DNA upgrades. As we heal our ancestral lineage through accessing our "junk genes," we have the opportunity to energetically reframe our biological conception.

So few human beings are conceived consciously and intentionally by two loving partners. As we reparent our inner child and gradually integrate soul fragments from childhood, ancestral lineage, and past life experience and soul memory, we can choose to consciously give birth to our multidimensional selves.

After becoming the embodiment of your multidimensional self, you are ready to consciously conceive a baby, a work of art, a musical composition, a life project. Conscious conception happens within the circle of Wholeness and in sacred union of your inner feminine and masculine co-creative energies.

This Essence is included in our Inner Child Healing (male or female) and Core Wound Healing collection of Sourced Solutions.