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Withholding Pleasure/Inflicting Cruelty/Freezing Time

Responsive. Proactive. Activates Gene Key.

Born into 3D density, the complex system of separation 3D templates embedded in our physiology, until 2012 most babies were born without soul memory. 

This Essence gently counteracts breaks of continuity of consciousness caused by withholding pleasure, inflicting cruelty and freezing time.  

We endure traumatic breaks in consciousness whenever our Wholeness is intentionally shattered through a choice to deliberately withhold pleasure and this action is combined with inflicting cruelty (terror). This template set triggers spiritual PTTD (post-traumatic time disorder). A traumatic break in consciousness happens with violent death or accidental death.

Such moments in becomes frozen time. Energy is trapped in unconscious and subconscious mind states, often triggering recurring nightmares as memory attempts to break through to waking consciousness for physical healing and integrating emotions

The system of separation template generates a looping pattern: we withhold pleasure from ourselves and others. Whenever we withhold love and pleasure, we inflict cruelty and pain, albeit unintentionally. When we run our life force through this template, part of us is caught in the past or hoping to ward off similar circumstances in the future. We are not present in the life we are living now.

Living in truth, transparency and trust, we admit to ourselves we have cruel, cutting, or sarcastic tendencies. Such tendencies are actively energized in other lifetimes, dimensions, and in multiple relationships.

Blank state technology is a key element in maintaining the system of separation. Breaks in a continuity of consciousness that must be cultivated and maintained for the system to function. Today, we are coming to understand this powerful means of gaining external control over our three mind states, inner spiritual/soul control of individuals and the human collective.

Use this Essence to engage deep, inner work of unhooking and clearing this template from your three states of consciousness. Enhance optimal conditions for experiencing soul memory and inaccessible memories from childhood.