Responsive. Activates Gene Key.
Essence #6 is valuable for anyone feeling insecure about being lovable, loved and loving. It is especially valuable if your livelihood requires attracting attention to be financially successful. On deeper, internal levels you recognize the absence of deep, authentic soul-to-soul connections in both work and personal life.
We can and do unconsciously accept attention as a substitute for feeling connection. When we accept attention as a substitute for love, we’re always disappointed. Essence #6 assists with clearing the Template of Attention/Connection/Disappointment.
Ego demands attention. While attention feeds our ego, our ego has no capacity for connection other than a connection to self-service with its ongoing state of separation.
Connection, however, is an authentic pathway to giving and receiving love in balance with truth, transparency and trust that shares presence rather than offering attention. Connection gives and receives authentically. Learn to trust the quality of presence spontaneously arising from co-creative desire, clear emotions, heart felt and soul inspired. Presence never disappoints!